Survivors share their stories
Carole’s interview on BBC Radio lead to the Sibling Sexual Abuse Research Project. This is the clip the Home Office made to launch the project.
The video below was created during the National Project on Sibling Sexual Abuse 2020-2022. These courageous survivor’s share their experiences to minimize the silence surrounding SSA and educate society of the impacts.
Sexual Abuse.
This is a panel discussion with five survivors of sibling sexual abuse. This video was created as part of the first ever #SiblingsToo day which was held on the 15th April 2023. #SiblingsToo was created by Nancy Morris who is a survivor, researcher and activist for SSA.
Carole was abused by her stepbrother from the age of seven and it continued for over a decade. Carole shares her personal experience in greater depth below. This video was created by Thriving Survivors. Thriving Survivors are a charity based in Scotland who also have dedicated services for survivors of sibling sexual abuse.
At the age of 8, Liz was sexually abused by her eldest brother who is 8 years older than her. Liz describes how this negatively impacted her personal and professional life for 50 years until she finally sought justice in 2020.
Jane Epstein is a very vocal activist for SSA. Her TEDx ‘Giving Voice to Sibling Sexual Abuse’ was launched in 2022. Jane states,
“I can’t express how grateful I am that TEDxBocaRaton took a risk on me and my message. Many survivors are reaching out and are feeling less alone for the first time in decades. That is because of every view, like, and comment – it all helps push this message into the world where those who need to hear it can find it. You are not alone. There are resources and support groups. Together we can heal, raise awareness and make things better for future generations.
Phil Goldstein states he is a survivor of Sibling sexual Abuse, Poet and Dad of Fur Babies. What helped him emerge through his abuse was Creative writing (poetry), Intensive psychotherapy (4+ years), including EMDR and support from partner/friends/some family.
Maria Socolof Co-Founder of shares her experience of repressing her experience of Sexual Trauma by her brother. Maria had repressed her experience for many years and it was only through exploring the root cause of her chronic pain did her memories unlock. Maria is interviewed by Dr Vanessa Dunn Guyton from Hush no more.