Sibling Sexual Abuse

Welcome to our community dedicated to supporting survivors of sibling sexual abuse. We understand the unique challenges you may face, and we're here to provide a safe space and resources to aid in your healing journey.

Our mission is to empower survivors by offering comprehensive resources, fostering understanding, and promoting healing from the trauma of sibling sexual abuse.

With funding from Sir Halley Trust and the Rayne Foundation we are able to create a hub specifically dedicated to adult survivors who have experienced this type of abuse. The hub provides:

Supportive Community

Educational Resources

Therapeutic Tools

Self-Care Tips

Survivor Stories and more

SSA is a universal problem. Most of the helpline information provided is from the UK, however our community page has members from all over the world.

Learn more

We provide comprehensive information and resources for those affected by Sibling Sexual Abuse. To find out more check out our information page.

Support and share experiences

We understand that sibling sexual abuse is a deeply painful and often overlooked experience. It can leave you feeling isolated, confused, and overwhelmed. However, you are not alone. This forum is a safe space for to come together, share experiences, and support one another on the journey toward healing.