
Resolve: A personal account of SSA by Alice Perle

Resolve is an intimate, wild ride from darkness and confusion to triumphant self-determination and inner peace. Living with a dark secret inside her, Alice Perle has overcome many obstacles on her path to healing in the shadow of sibling sexual abuse. Needing to understand her experiences at a deeper level, Alice’s personal story is interwoven with her fascinating explorations of societal and intergenerational factors. Resolve showcases an eclectic approach to healing that helped Alice reclaim her true self, freeing her to create a bright, joyous, peaceful life. Respectfully and sensitively written, Resolve is infused with hope and optimism. It is an inspiring story, offering us an intriguing window into one woman’s experience recovering from sibling sexual abuse-the hidden taboo.

Healing Sibling Sexual Trauma: A Very Personal Story

Memoir and Self-help book for adult survivors of sibling sexual abuse written by a psychotherapist. Cartwright’s book tells the personal story of recovering from sexual abuse at the hands of a sibling. By sharing her story, Cartwright aims to help victims understand the impact sibling abuse has on survivors, provide tools to help them begin their healing journey and emphasize that survivors can leave the past behind and build happy lives ahead. Cartwright’s clinical knowledge, empathy and direct but caring writing style help readers move through these difficult issues.

Not Child’s Play: An Anthology on Brother-Sister Incest

Not Child’’s Play, published in 2000, is a collection of short stories, poetry, prose and art by 35 women from the United States, Canada and England on the topic of women survivors of incest perpetrated by their brothers

The Invisible Key

Memoir by Maria Sooclof, survivor of sibling sexual trauma. An acute injury. Chronic pain. A shocking discovery. As a competitive athlete turned scientist, she discovers the key to healing her chronic myofascial pain in this raw and gripping memoir. Ms. Socolof learns of the power childhood trauma has on her mind and body, and how she can start to heal once she faces a hidden truth. 

The Courage To Heal: A Guide For Women Survivors Of Child Sexual Abuse by Ellen Bass & Laura Davis 

Based on the experiences of hundreds of child abuse survivors, The Courage to Heal profiles victims who share the challenges and triumphs of their personal healing processes. Inspiring and comprehensive, it offers mental, emotional and physical support to all people who are in the process of rebuilding their lives. The Courage to Heal offers hope, encouragement and practical advice to every woman who was sexually abused as a child and answers some vital questions.

Sibling Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Confronting America’s Silent Epidemic

Within every community in America, sibling sexual abuse can be found hiding in families who feel ashamed and lost about how to confront this problem. The cryptic nature of sibling sexual abuse preys about the vulnerable and its horrible effects feed upon our tendency to ignore this problem. Sibling sexual abuse leaves no bruises. There are no broken bones. There are no holes in the walls. The bruises, brokenness, and holes are held tightly within the target of the abuse. Sibling Sexual Abuse walks the reader through the journey from the shocking disclosure of abuse occurring between siblings down a path of healing for families and communities. Sibling Sexual Abuse also addresses why this is important for every person in every community needs to get involved and participate in an open conversation about the dangers of sibling sexual abuse and what can be done to encourage hope and healing for these families. Sibling sexual abuse torments families of ever kind in America today. It does not care about a family’s race, income level, religion, or political preference it is damaging families with a tsunami like force yet no one is talking about it. Sibling sexual abuse is America’s silent epidemic because survivors and families are afraid of what would happen if they share their stories. So they are forced to suffer in silence as a result the devastating effects of sibling sexual abuse continue to mount, with a causality list that grows at a dizziness pace. This frank and thorough book written by a therapist who specializes in working with sibling sexual abuse in families describes what families need to do at each step in their journey.Sibling Sexual Abuse walks the reader through the journey from the shocking disclosure of sexual abuse within the family and describes what steps can be taken in order for families to heal. Sibling Sexual Abuse also addresses why it is important for communities to get involved and participate in a national discourse about the dangers of sibling sexual abuse and what can be done to support survivors and families and how they can heal from such a shattering and painful event.

Working with Survivors of Sibling Sexual Abuse: A Guide to Therapeutic Support and Protection for Children and Adults

Sibling sexual abuse is considered to be one of the most common forms of child sexual abuse within the family setting, yet it is often ignored, downplayed or denied in spite the impact on survivors.

Shining a spotlight on the hidden phenomenon, Christiane Sanderson provides a rigorous account of the nature and dynamics of sibling sexual abuse. She provides a clear explanation of the difference between developmentally appropriate, consensual sexual exploration and developmentally inappropriate, non-consensual sexual behaviour. The focus is on how these behaviours impact the sibling being harmed, the sibling who is harming, the wider family and adult survivors.

This book is essential reading for anyone involved in assessing, supporting, safeguarding or treating individuals or families impacted by sibling sexual abuse and all those working with adult survivors.

Understanding and Responding to Sibling Sexual Abuse (Palgrave Studies in Risk, Crime and Society) 

Sibling sexual abuse is believed to be the most common and long-lasting form of all intra-familial abuse, with estimates suggesting that it is five times more prevalent than parent-child sexual abuse. This book draws on unique research from two studies which examine the nature, impact and response to sibling sexual abuse in England and Wales. Given the complex and underreported nature of sibling sexual abuse there are questions surrounding whether current interventions are appropriate in helping victims/survivors, children and young people who have been harmed and their families. There is growing evidence that highlights a lack of appropriate practitioner guidance and training which then leads to insufficient support, impacting negatively on long term outcomes. This book offers significant findings for policy, practice, and community engagement. It is written by authors with that have expertise in criminology, psychology, public health, social science, social work and also front-line practitioner experience.

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

‘Dr. van der Kolk’s masterpiece combines the boundless curiosity of the scientist, the erudition of the scholar, and the passion of the truth teller’ Judith Herman, author of Trauma and Recovery

The effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world’s experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.

‘Fascinating, hard to put down, and filled with powerful case histories. . . . the most important series of breakthroughs in mental health in the last thirty years’ Norman Doidge, author of The Brain that Changes Itself

‘An astonishing and important book. The trauma Bible. I cannot recommend it enough for anyone struggling with…well…anything’ Tara Westover