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BBC File on 4
The Last Taboo Released On: 14 Jun 2022
With exclusive access to research – the first of its kind – reporter Livvy Haydock investigates what could be the most common form of sexual abuse that happens within families: sibling sexual abuse.
She speaks to families struggling to get help for this distressing form of abuse and those struggling to come to terms with a child harming another child – and fighting to repair their family. As she will find out, a lack of official data makes it difficult to know for sure the true scale of the problem but some experts suggest 1.3 million people in the UK may have been affected by it. And she will ask if a reluctance to accept what’s going on in front of us, could mean that when people look for help, often, it’s not there. This is a story about sexual abuse at the very heart of the family; a story that may challenge what you think you know about the risk children may face in our homes.

The #SiblingsToo podcasts are about Sibling Sexual Abuse. The Host is Nancy Morris, a psychology researcher and sibling sexual abuse survivor. She refers to sibling sexual abuse as the hidden taboo, hidden in society and in families. Sibling Sexual Abuse is thought to affect as many as 1 in 5 families. #SiblingsToo creates a voice for sibling sexual abuse and brings research and information to survivors and their families.
In the episode below Nancy Morris is joined by John. John is in his fifties, lives in the United Kingdom and has recently reported incidents of sibling sexual abuse to the police where he lives.
John is in the legal process so his voice and name has been altered to protect his anonymity.
In this episode Nancy is joined by Carole Brooks. Carole is a Sibling Sexual Abuse Specialist, Lived Experience Consultant, Advisory Board Member & CSA Spokesperson. Carole’s interview with BBC Somerset is what sparked the idea of the previous National Project on Sibling Sexual Abuse.
In this episode Nancy is joined by Jane Epstein.
Jane Epstein is a speaker, author, and advocate for the prevention of sibling and child-on-child sexual abuse and trauma.
Jane is also a co-founder of 5WAVES, which is a collective voice promoting Worldwide Awareness, Voice, Education and Support around Sibling Sexual Trauma
In this episode Nancy is joined by Gloria Masters, author and advocate for adults who have experienced child sexual abuse. Gloria experienced SSA.
She speaks from sixteen years of lived experience and has managed to turn the corner of healing into giving back. She does this through highlighting the issue of child sexual abuse to help other survivors.
She has published her second book Flightpath to Healing – A Guide for CSA Survivors, and is also the Founder and CEO of Handing the Shame Back Foundation.