Contact Us

If you would like to get in touch email:


We are committed to continually improving our services. If you would like to make a complaint, email

Read our complaints procedure


If you would like to provide feedback, you can use our confidential feedback form.

Any positive or negative feedback you give us will be treated with total confidentiality and anonymity and will not adversely affect your care or treatment in any way.

We are also interested in hearing from people who would like to take part in focus groups which are an important part of making sure we are meeting the needs of the people we support in the best way possible.

“SARSAS made me feel understood, cared about, respected and listened to. They turn bad days into hopeful days. Thank you”SARSAS client


If you are interested in raising money for us or would like to speak to someone about a corporate partnership, email us at


For all press, research or media enquiries, contact


For any questions relating to job opportunities at SARSAS, contact


To find out about volunteering opportunities at SARSAS, contact

Anything additional, please complete the form below.